Freeport Operators Association
2nd Floor c/r Farquhar & Dr Sun Yat Sen Sreets,
Port Louis,
Tel: (230) 242 2014
Fax: (230) 241 0833
History of Freeport
The creation of the Mauritius Freeport in 1992 was a public-sector led development to boost international trade and assist in diversifying the economic base. Besides creating the regulatory framework and elaborating a fiscal package, Government also invested heavily in core logistics infrastructure.
In the mid 1990s, Third Party Freeport developers started investing in logistics facilities for rental purposes;
With the maturing of the sector, the Mauritius Freeport Authority exited from all operational roles in 2001 and focused on regulatory and licensing functions;
A major landmark in the Freeport was the creation of the seafood hub in 2003, which boosted the utilisation of existing logistics facilities of third-party Freeport developers;
In 2004, the Mauritius Freeport Authority merged into the Board of Investment in a bid to consolidate promotional efforts and align the regulatory framework to business imperatives;
From 2004 to 2008, a series of new product developments were introduced in the Freeport, including high-profile activities such as trading of mobile phones and re-conditioning of cars. This new product development strategy has led to an increased warehouse utilisation rate;
The Air Cargo Logistics Centre which shall be developed over 26 ha of land around the SSR airport is expected to start in December 2010. This development will include new warehousing and processing facilities. The new centre is expected to attract low-volume high-value trade as well as develop processing of high-value perishables with low lead times.
History of the Mauritius Freeport
A - Freeport Act - 1992 B - Freeport Zone 1 - 1994 C - Signature of MFD Master Agreement Zone 5 - 1995 D - Signature of FOM Master Agreement Zone 7 - 1996 E - FOA - 1996 F - Freeport Zone 9 Airport - 1997 ( Fully Operational) G - Frold des Mascareignes - 1997 H- Chantier Naval de L'Ocean Indien Zone 11 - 1999 I - Development of Seafood Hub - 2003 J- Integration of MFA into BOI - 2004 K - New Product Automobile Reconditioning - 2008 L - Tianli Project Ground breaking - Sept 2009 M - Development of Air Cargo Logistics Centre - Dec 2010
Product Development strategies
A total land area of 57 ha has been earmarked by Airports of Mauritius Ltd with planned development over 2 phases. The newly Air Cargo Logistics Centre will play a key role in enhancing the position of Mauritius as an international air cargo hub and a gateway to South East Africa.
In line with the strategy recommended by Cofinter, Board of Investment will initiate marketing actions that would facilitate the development of adequate logistics infrastructure. An average volume of 10 000 to 13 000 tonnes per year is anticipated during the Phase 1 development of the Air Cargo Logistics Centre.